Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see a dashboard like the one below. Here there are links to:
My courses- click here to find your courses and E-learning resources.
Inbox - where you’ll find items such as newsletters and announcements.
FAQs – We’ll highlight questions here that we’ve recently been asked and think other students might find useful.
Facebook Study Group – A link to our student study group, where you can ask questions and discuss course content with other phoenix students.
To access your course content and e-Learning resources, click My Courses.
After selecting ‘My Courses’, you’ll see a page similar to the one below, with your courses separated into categories based on the awarding body (IOSH, NEBOSH, IEMA, etc). We’ll now explore how you access and navigate through the resources of three of our courses- IOSH Managing Safely course, the NEBOSH General Certificate, and the NEBOSH Diploma. The steps to find each course will be the same up until this point. We’ll guide you through the resources and content in each course, starting with IOSH Managing Safely.
To find the IOSH Managing Safely course, open the IOSH Folder, then select IOSH Managing Safely.
After opening the course, you’ll be presented with a list of its content. This will include an introduction, the course’s core units, mock exams, and the exam itself. Some courses may contain different content to this, such as the NEBOSH General Certificate, which requires you to book the exam separately, so there is no exam within the course content.
You can open the content by clicking ‘completed’, ‘start’, or ‘resume’ based on your progress. All these buttons will be in the same place, as you can see above. Some of our courses have additional content alongside the standard course content. For IOSH Managing safely, you can find a companion workbook for the course inside the core units by clicking on ‘Resources’ in the menu above the main content.
Next we'll look at exploring the NEBOSH General Certificate course, including how to access the mock exams available in the course resources. First, after logging in select NEBOSH instead of IOSH. As below you'll then be able to see the content for the NEBOSH General Certificate and the Diploma folder.
To access the General Certificate content, select the Combined Syllabus Curriculum, which includes all the Certificate's content.
Upon doing so you'll find the six core sections of the course. The introduction will, as you'd expect, introduce you to the course, its range of resources and the support you'll receive from Phoenix. Following this is the main bulk of the course- the first and second syllabus units, information on exam booking and guidance on the practical assessment.
The main syllabus units contain the different elements of the course curriculum, which you'll progress through as you study. To access the additional resources available on the course, as well as the mock exams, select the GC 1 Combined Syllabus.
In this unit you'll be able to see a range of other resources on the right hand side which can be accessed via the links or under the resources tab at the top of the page. These include the Mocks for the OBEs (Open Book Exams) as well as the student handbook and guidance on scenario based assessments. By taking advantage of all these resources and using the mock exams to practice, you can enjoy your course to the fullest and set yourself up for success when taking the exam.
Now we’ll look at how you can navigate to the NEBOSH National Diploma and explore its content. As with the NEBOSH General Certificate, after logging in to the E-Learning Platform select ‘My Courses’, then ‘NEBOSH’.
As before, in the NEBOSH folder you'll see the NEBOSH National Diploma in its own folder, alongside the content of any other NEBOSH courses you’re studying. Click the Diploma folder to open it.
As you can see below, the NEBOSH National Diploma is divided into several units:
There are also a range of other resources, such as case studies, Q&A sessions and external information you can access from this page.
Although we recommend working through the introduction first and then DN1, DN2 and finally DN3, you can complete any of the core units (DN1-3) can be completed in any order, the same being true for the lessons contained in each unit. To open any course module, click ‘start’.
After opening one of the modules, you’ll be able to view its content: learning outcome introductions, videos, classroom activities and e-learning activity modules. If any additional resources are available, they’ll be in a tab adjacent to the course content, as with IOSH Managing Safely.
All our courses, although they may have different content to IOSH Managing Safely, the NEBOSH General Certificate and the NEBOSH Diploma, can be navigated the same way on the e-learning platform. By making use of all the content and resources available, you’ll be able to get the most out of your Phoenix Health and Safety course.